STATEMENT of the Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Candidates about the recent transformations affecting the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

The concept of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology is a step forward in the
transformation of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and thus in the Hungarian
scientific life. We believe that it is advisable to review the operation and effectiveness
of the current system from time to time, and make changes upon the experiences. At
the same time, we stress that long-term predictability is a very important condition for
the success of scientific research, as confirmed by the 6th December 2018 Assembly
of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, a perspective for young researchers that
maintains intellectual capital in Hungary, which over time innovates and raises
Hungary reputation in the international scientific level. In a spirit of stability, DOSZ
recommends that a scientific career model for young researchers and educators
should be developed during the transformations.
We are confident that the strategy, the interests and views of the scientific community
can be reconciled, that the short and long term goals are created taking into account
the specific needs of the given fields and thus contribute to improving the quality of
domestic research.
The National Association of Doctoral Students keeps an eye on the recent actions
and will continue to do so in the interests of young Hungarian researchers, including
doctoral candidates, young researchers and postdoctors in all circumstances.
Eventually, DOSZ will be informed about the opinions of those involved in doctoral
training at its upcoming events, and depending on the comments initiates a larger
forum to discuss the topic.